Japan General Manager - Business Development Director - Kim Christian Botho Pedersen

Welcome to the home of:
Japan Country Manager no. 1!
Kim C. B. Pedersen

Are you looking for a Japan country manager,
 - who really understand the Japanese people, culture and bussiness indepth?
 - with excellent marketing skills?
 - with vast experience within a number of industries as well as documented amazing achievements?
 - with a huge network within a number of industries in Japan as well as unique skills establishing network within any industry in Japan?
 - who get things done in Japan?

Then you should definitely consider Kim Pedersen. He is "the" No1 Japan Country manager!

For detailed information, please have a look at the information below:

Resume Objective Key skills
japan country manager - Kim Pedersen - CV / Resume Japan Country Manager - Kim Pedersen - objective Japan country manager - kim Pedersen - key skills
Key achievements Job experience Education
Japan Country Manager - kim Pedersen - key achievements  Japan country manager - Kim Pedersen - job experiences Japan Country Manager - Kim Pedersen - educational background
Cultural competences Sovereign language skills IT skills
cultural knowledge and understanding of Japan - country manager - Kim Pedersen Japan country manager - Kim Pedersen - superb undisputed Japanese language skills Japan Country Manager - Kim Pedersen - IT skills
Personal qualifications Network Why is Kim no. 1?
Japan country manager - kim pedersen - personal qualifications Network in Japan - Japan country manager - Kim Pedersen why is Kim Pedersen the number one Japan Country Manager?
Documentation Consultancy Contact information
Japan country Manager - Kim Pedersen - skills documentation Japan business consultancy services  Contact information - Japan country manager - Kim Pedersen
Practical issues Rated by Japanese Social responsibility
Practical issues - visa salary start date etc - Japan Country Manager Kim Pedersen
Hobbies Present occupation Understanding Japan
Kim Pedersen hobby