Japan General Manager - Business Development Director - Kim Christian Botho Pedersen

Why is Kim No1?

Simply because the combination of the skills, knowledge and experience reg. Japan, Japanese people and business in Japan that I posess is unique and undisputed. Below please find a schematic overview. Click on each item to see a detailed description:


My knowledge, skills and or understanding of each element are marked with the following keys:
Basic Understanding
Average skills
Better than average skills
High level / Extensive / Native
Expert / Better than native


This is what you buy...

(Japan related) 
Track record / results ★★★★★
Job experience ★★★★★
Creativity and strategy ★★★★★
Network ★★★★★
Creating business plans ★★★★★
Sales ★★★★★
Problem solving ★★★★★
Cultural competences ★★★★
Entrepreneurship ★★★★★
Matchmaking ★★★★★
Maintaining customer relation ★★★★★
Claim handling ★★★★★
Achievements in Japan ★★★★★
Achievements in Denmark ★★★★
Sales and Marketing ★★★★
Japanese language ★★★★
Mid level chief in JP company ★★★★
Own company in Japan ★★★★
Own company in Denmark ★★★★
Experienced diplomatic status ★★★★
Japanese language skills ★★★★
English skills ★★
Communication ★★★★★
Human relations / personal qualifications
Network ★★★★★
Leadership ★★★★
Ambisious ★★★★★
User level IT skills ★★★★
Web / Internet ★★★
Soft / hardware installations ★★★
Local Network ★★
Other IT skills ★★★
Practical skills in an office

Handling staff issues ★★★★★
Team building / motivating ★★★★★
Leadership ★★★★
Maximum productivity ★★★★★
Planning ★★★★★
Delegation: task & responsibility ★★★★★
IT ★★★★★
Working environment ★★★★★
Establishing office rules & regulations ★★★
Accounting ★★
Detecting issues & problems ★★★★